🔑 Values

To use the library, you need to know how to get some values. Also, some values will be described here, it is not necessary to know them, I decided to explain them for general understanding

key / token


The token is needed for authorization and operation of requests from your account. There are 3 ways to get a token:

Local Storage

  1. Open DevTools in your browser

  2. Go to Storage -> Local Storage -> char_token

  3. Copy value


  1. Open DevTools in your browser

  2. Go to Console tab and enter this code:

  3. JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('char_token')).value


  1. Download this userscript

  2. Go to cAI Profile Settings and look down

char / char_external_id

Unique ID for characters

  1. Open the chat page with the character

  2. Copy char value from URL

history_external_id / external_id

Unique ID for character history

if you look at the responce of character.get_histories(), then you will see that each story has its own external_id

topic_external_id / topic

The ID of the feed, I don't know where it comes from and how to get it. Also, community feed have their topic_external_id, you can get them in post.get_topics()

tgt / username

It is also a character identifier. It would be more correct to call it the nickname of the character


Your account ID. Needed for functions with chat2, stored in your account information

user = await client.user.info()

Last updated